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It began when a pedestrian got hit by a cab in New York City. No doubtit was the only motor mishap in the history of creation that reached outamong the stars—for far out in space a signal was registered:Something has gone wrong....

And something had gone wrong, for the doctors discovered their accidentpatient had two hearts. It was the beginning of the discovery that theEarth had been invaded by 10 such creatures from Outer Space.

Every effort was made to learn their purpose. An orbital flight waslaunched to spot alien bodies—only to be destroyed in space. One of thealien men was captured—but no threat of pain or death could unlock thesecret in his brain.

Something had gone wrong. And somehow, some way had to be found to makeit right—before the threat of danger overwhelmed all mankind.


Ivar Jorgensen is the pen name of a former topflight magazine editor whois now devoting his full time to free-lance writing.

He was born in St. Louis and spent most of his early years in theMidwest. Before getting into the publishing field he held a number ofjobs, including those of elevator operator and theater usher.

Mr. Jorgensen has written numerous science-fiction short stories as wellas several contemporary and suspense novels. TEN FROM INFINITY is his[Pg 3][Pg 2]first full-length science-fiction novel.

A Science-Fiction Novel


Ivar Jorgensen

Cover Painting by Ralph Brillhart

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Published in January, 1963
Copyright © 1963 by Ivar Jorgensen

Monarch Books are published by MONARCH BOOKS, INC., Capital Building,Derby, Connecticut, and represent the works of outstanding novelists andwriters of non-fiction especially chosen for their literary merit andreading entertainment.
Printed in the United States of America
All Rights Reserved

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