Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism
Louisiana Archaeological Survey and Antiquities Commission
Anthropological Study No. 6
A hunter using an atlatl.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Edwin W. Edwards
Noelle LeBlanc
Ex-Officio Members
Dr. Kathleen Byrd State Archaeologist
Mr. Robert B. DeBlieux Assistant Secretary, Office of Cultural Development
Mr. B. Jim Porter Secretary, Department of Natural Resources
Ms. V. Elaine Boyle Secretary, Department of Urban and Community Affairs
Appointed Members
Dr. Charles E. Orser, Jr.
Mr. Brian J. Duhe
Mr. Marc Dupuy, Jr.
Dr. Lorraine Heartfield
Dr. J. Richard Shenkel
Mrs. Lanier Simmons
Dr. Clarence H. Webb
First Printing | June 1982 |
Second Printing, with revision | April 1987 |
This public document was published at a total cost of $7,520.00. 8,800 copiesof this public document were published in this second printing at a costof $3,419.25. The total cost of all printings of this document including reprintsis $7,520.00. This document was published for the Division of Archaeologyby Bourque Printing, Inc., P.O. Box 45070, Baton Rouge, LA70895-4070 to make available to the citizens of Louisiana informationabout prehistoric and historic archaeology under authorization of La. R.S.41:1601-1613. This material was printed in accordance with standards forprinting by state agencies established pursuant to R.S. 43:31. Printing ofthis material was purchased in accordance with the provisions of Title 43 ofthe Louisiana Revised Statutes. This publication has been funded in partby the Department of the Interior, National Park Service Historic PreservationFund.
Replica of a Mississippian effigy pipe.
Robert W. Neuman
Museum of Geoscience, Louisiana State University
Nancy W. Hawkins
Division of Archaeology
Louisiana’s cultural heritage dates back to approximately 10,000 B.C.when man first entered this region. Since that time, many other Indiangroups have settled here. Each of these groups has left evidence of itspresence in the archaeological record. The Anthropological Study seriespublished by the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism providesa readable account of various activities of these cultural groups.
Robert W. Neuman, Curator of