E-text prepared by Al Haines
Author of
"The Night Riders," "The Way of The Strong," "The Trail of The Axe,"
A. L. Burt Company
Publishers ——— New York
Published by arrangement with George W. Jacobs & Company
Copyright, 1917, by
George W. Jacobs & Company
All rights reserved
A companionable silence prevailed in the room. At intervals it wasbroken, but only by the rustle of paper or the striking of a match.The heavy breathing, almost amounting to a snore, of one of the twomen, and the inarticulate protests of a laboring "rocker" chair—thesethings were only a part of it.
The man at the table was deeply immersed in a miniature sea ofcalculations. His fair brows were drawn in deep concentration.Frequently he was at great pains to relight a pipe which containednothing but charred remnants of tobacco and a moist, unsmokable mixturewhich afforded only a somewhat offensive taste and aroma.
The partner in this companionship overflowed an undersized "rocker,"which withstood, with supreme heroism, the overwhelming forces of itsinvader. But its sufferings, under the rhythmic rise and fall imposedupon it, found expression at intervals, although they failed to inspirethe least sympathy. The heedless giant's whole attention seemed to beabsorbed in the personality and effort of his friend.
Finally the latter raised a pair of deep blue eyes. Following upon asigh, he thrust his papers aside with a brusque movement of relief.Then he raised a hand to his broad forehead and smoothed his disheveledfair hair, which seemed to have undergone some upheaval as a result ofthe mental disturbance his efforts had inspired in the brain beneath.The handsome eyes smiled a reassuring smile into the rugged face of hisfriend.
"Well?" he enquired, without seeming to desire a reply.
"Wal?" echoed the gruff voice of the man in the rocker.
"It's done."
"So—I guessed."
The patient amusement in the twinkling eyes of the man in the rockerwas good to see. There was confidence, too, in his regard of theyounger man.
"Can we do it—sure?" he enquired, as the other remained silent.
"Without a worry."
"Then dope it out, boy. The easiest thing in the world is handin' outdollars on a right enterprise. I don't know nothin' better—except itis takin' 'em in on the same sort o' play."
Jeffrey Masters smiled more broadly into his friend's good-humored face.