Produced by David Widger
August 1st. Up betimes to the settling of my last month's accounts, and Ibless God I find them very clear, and that I am worth L5700, the most thatever my book did yet make out. So prepared to attend the Duke of Yorke asusual, but Sir W. Pen, just as I was going out, comes home fromSheernesse, and held me in discourse about publique business, till I comeby coach too late to St. James's, and there find that every thing stoodstill, and nothing done for want of me. Thence walked over the Parke withSir W. Coventry, who I clearly see is not thoroughly pleased with the latemanagement of the fight, nor with any thing that the Generalls do; only isglad to hear that De Ruyter is out of favour, and that this fight hathcost them 5,000 men, as they themselves do report. And it is a strangething, as he observes, how now and then the slaughter runs on one hand;there being 5,000 killed on theirs, and not above 400 or 500 killed andwounded on ours, and as many flag-officers on theirs as ordinary captainsin ours; there being Everson, and the Admiral and Vice-Admiral ofFreezeland on theirs, and Seamour, Martin, and——-, on ours. I left himgoing to Chappell, it being the common fast day, and the Duke of York atChappell. And I to Mrs. Martin's, but she abroad, so I sauntered to oragain to the Abbey, and then to the parish church, fearfull of being seento do so, and so after the parish church was ended, I to the Swan andthere dined upon a rabbit, and after dinner to Mrs. Martin's, and therefind Mrs. Burroughs, and by and by comes a pretty widow, one Mrs.Eastwood, and one Mrs. Fenton, a maid; and here merry kissing and lookingon their breasts, and all the innocent pleasure in the world. But, Lord!to see the dissembling of this widow, how upon the singing of a certainjigg by Doll, Mrs. Martin's sister, she seemed to be sick and fainted andGod knows what, because the jigg, which her husband (who died this lastsickness) loved. But by and by I made her as merry as is possible, andtowzed and tumbled her as I pleased, and then carried her and her soberpretty kinswoman Mrs. Fenton home to their lodgings in the new market ofmy Lord Treasurer's, and there left them. Mightily pleased with thisafternoon's mirth, but in great pain to ride in a coach with them, forfear of being seen. So home, and there much pleased with my wife'sdrawing today in her pictures, and so to supper and to bed very pleasant.
2nd. [Up] and to the office, where we sat, and in discourse at the tablewith Sir W. Batten, I was obliged to tell him it was an untruth, which diddisplease him mightily, and parted at noon very angry with me. At homefind Lovett, who brought me some papers varnished, and showed me mycrucifix, which will be very fine when done. He dined with me and Balty'swife, who is in great pain for her husband, not hearing of him since thefight; but I understand he was not in it, going hence too late, and I amglad of it. Thence to the offic