In this brochure the author makes an earnest endeavour to understand Christian Science and define its mission. He scrupulously verifies all his citations and references, and appeals to the judgment of those who are willing to hear both sides of the question.
"The blood, heart, lungs, brain, have nothing to do with life."
"The daily ablutions of an infant are no more natural than taking a fish out of water and covering it with dirt would be natural."
"Christian Science is more safe and potent than any other sanitary method."
"The condition of food, stomach, bowels, clothing, etc., is of no serious import to your child."
"Gender is also a quality or characteristic of mind, not of matter."
"Until it is learned that generation (birth) rests on no sexual basis, let marriage continue."
"To abolish marriage and maintain generation is possible in (Christian) science."
Why I Discuss Christian Science
Is Christian Science Scientific?
Is Christian Science "Christian"?
Do Christian Scientists Use their Minds?
Do Christian Scientists Practise what they Preach?
Christian Science Testimonials
Christian Science and Witchcraft
Marriage and Death in Christian Science
The Menace of Christian Science