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Elephant, 100 years and upward; Rhinoceros,20; Camel, 100; Lion, 25 to 70; Tigers, Leopards,Jaguars and Hyenas (in confinement), about 25;Beaver, 50; Deer, 20; Wolf, 20; Fox, 14 to 16;Llamas, 15; Chamois, 25; Monkeys and Baboons,16 to 18; Hare, 8; Squirrel, 7; Rabbit, 7; Swine, 25;Stag, under 50; Horse, 30; Ass, 30; Sheep, under10; Cow, 20; Ox, 30; Swans, Parrots and Ravens,200; Eagle, 100; Geese, 80; Hens and Pigeons, 10 to16; Hawks, 30 to 40; Crane, 24; Blackbird, 10 to 12;Peacock, 20; Pelican, 40 to 50; Thrush, 8 to 10;Wren, 2 to 3; Nightingale, 15; Blackcap, 15;Linnet, 14 to 23; Goldfinch, 20 to 24; Redbreast, 10to 12; Skylark, 10 to 30; Titlark, 5 to 6; Chaffinch,20 to 24; Starling, 10 to 12; Carp, 70 to 150; Pike,30 to 40; Salmon, 16; Codfish, 14 to 17; Eel, 10;Crocodiles, 100; Tortoise, 100 to 200; Whale, estimated,1,000; Queen Bees live 4 years; Drones, 4months; Worker Bees, 6 months.
Mercury freezes at 40° below zero, and melts at39°. Ether freezes at 47° below zero; wine freezesat 20°; sea water freezes at 28.3°. Alcohol hasbeen exposed to 110° and 120° below zero withoutfreezing. Granite decomposes at a red heat.The second’s pendulum, of 39.139 ins. is lengthenedby 30° of temperature 128th of an inch, or 3vibrations in 24 hours.
The heat conducting powers of metals, etc., areas follows: Gold, 1000°; platinum, 981°; silver,973°; copper, 898.2°; iron, 374.3°; zinc, 363°; tin,303.9°; lead, 179.5°; marble, 23.6°; porcelain, 12.2°;fine clay, 11.4°.
1 lb. of coke melts 94 pounds of ice; 1 lb. ofcoal, 90 lbs.; 1 lb. of wood, 52 lbs.; 1 lb. of charcoal,95 lbs.; 1 lb. of peat, 19 lbs. The capacity ofthe solar heat all over the globe is the ability tomelt an icy covering 46 feet in thickness.
The following shows how easy it is to accumulatea fortune, provided proper steps are taken.The table shows what would be the result at theend of fifty years by saving a certain amounteach day and putting it at interest at the rate ofsix per cent: