Within the covers of this book is a wealth of wonderful, interestingrecipes. Many are original, many are heir-loom pieces thathave been handed down through generations.
These recipes should help you to prepare unusual and delectabledishes to delight each gourmet in your family.
Cream butter and sugar, add eggs 1 ata time. Sift flour and salt together, addsoda to buttermilk, add to creamed mixturealternately with flour and nuts, raisins,orange peeling which has been putthrough food chopper. Bake in 8-inchlayer pans greased and floured in 350 degreesF. oven, 25 to 30 minutes.
Cream butter, add small amount sugar,add orange and lemon juices alternatelywith sugar until icing is well blended.
Beat eggs, add sugar, brown sugar,milk, margarine, corn meal, salt, bakingpowder, dates, nuts and vanilla. Mixwell. Pour into a 9-inch pie plate whichhas been generously greased with margarineand dusted with corn meal. Topwith the nut halves. Bake at 350 degreesfor 45 minutes. Cool on a cake rack. Garnishwith a circle of whipped creamflavored with sherry or almond flavoring.Sprinkle lightly with finely choppednuts, if you wish.
This Puddin’-Pie makes its own crust.
Cream sugar, shortening and eggs. Addsour cream. Sift together flour, salt, sodaand allspice. Add to mixture. Add prunesand mix thoroughly. Bake in moderateoven (350 degrees). Ice with: