Whiz Bang’s greatest book—The Winter AnnualPedigreed Follies of 1921-22—hot off thepress. Orders are now being mailed. There willbe no delay as long as the supply lasts. If yournews stand’s quota is sold out—
Or your check, money order or stamps
To the coupon on the back page.
And receive our 256-page bound volume ofjokes, jests, jingles, stories, pot pourri, mail bagand Smokehouse poetry. The best collection everput in print.
Last year our Annual (which was only one-fourthas large as the 1921-22 book) was sold outon the Pacific Coast within three or four days,and not a copy could be bought anywhere in theUnited States within ten days.
So hurry up! First Come will be First Served!
Pin your dollar bill to the coupon and mail tothe Whiz Bang Farm; Robbinsdale, Minn.
Don’t write for early back copies of our regular issues.
We haven’t any left.
“We have room for but one soul loyalty and that isloyalty to the American people.”—Theodore Roosevelt.
Copyright 1922
By W. H. Fawcett
Captain Billy’s Whiz Bang employs no solicitors.Subscriptions may be received only at authorized newsstands or by direct mail to Robbinsdale. We join in noclubbing offers, nor do we give premiums. Two-fifty ayear in advance.
Edited by a Spanish and World War Veteran anddedicated to the fighting forces of the United States
After an extended trip of two months,which led me throughout the NorthAmerican continent, it was a rare treatto settle down again to routine duties on theWhiz Bang farm. The main street of our ownlittle “Gopher Prairie” looked mighty good toa tired and worn out farmer. ’Twas indeed apleasure to view the Howard lumber yard, withits red fence and shed, and to grasp the sturdyhand of our village postmaster and storekeeper,Bud Nasett. J. J. McCormick, who is depotagent and telegraph operator, not to mentionbaggage smasher for genial drummers