Transcriber’s Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
“The Reigning Belle,” by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, is a romantic and thrilling novel offashionable society, full of intensely dramatic scenes and overflowing with absorbing interest.The action goes straight ahead. So skilfully is the plot framed and handled that the veil ofmystery surrounding Eva Laurence, the beautiful shop-girl, Mrs. Lambert, the society belle,and Herman Ross, the artist, cannot be penetrated until the author sees fit to throw it aside.Eva is a charming heroine, and the hero, Ivon Lambert, is a fine specimen of American manhood.The love episodes are delightfully depicted. There is much enjoyable humor in the novel, relievingthe numerous exciting incidents. The scene in the Lambert conservatory between Mrs. Lambertand Ross, Mrs. Lambert’s jealous espionage of Ross at Mrs. Carter’s party, the episode inthe court-room and the exposure of Miss Spicer are particularly stirring, but the whole romanceis unusually powerful and effective. Everybody should read “The Reigning Belle” and enjoya rich treat. Mrs. Stephens’ novels are among the best and most popular published, are admiredby young and old alike, should be read by all, and will be found for sale by all Booksellers.