Transcriber’s Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
United States Navy
On joining the United States frigate Congress,fitting for sea, at Norfolk, and destinedto the Pacific, I commenced a journal, in whichI sketched down the incidents of each day, asthey occurred. It was more a whim of thehour, than any purpose connected with thepublic press. It was a diverting experimenton the monotony of a sea-life; was continuedbecause it had been begun—and the presentvolume is the result. The streamlet flowsfrom gathered drops.
I send it to the press as it was written, exceptthe division into chapters, which has beenmade at the suggestion of the publishers, whoperhaps, think the yarn will reel better if the6thread be broken. It undoubtedly containspassages which may seem light and irrelevant;but a diary has privileges, in this respect,which are not extended to compositions of agraver character. He who gathers what t