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Your Postmaster will tell you the parcel post zone inwhich your postoffice is located, measuring from Chicago.
All merchandise shipped by mail takes parcel post rates. Packagesup to 4 ounces in weight are carried at the rate of 1 cent an ounce,regardless of distance. Packages over 4 ounces are charged for by thepound. The rate per pound varies according to the distance, which ismeasured by the Government zone system, each zone covering a certainnumber of miles from point of shipment. Distances and rates are shownin the table below. Packages carried by parcel post are handled justlike any other mail matter. They are delivered to your box by yourrural mail carrier if you live on a rural route, or delivered to your doorif you live in a city where there is carrier service, or delivered to yourlocal postoffice if you live where there is no carrier service.
LOCAL ZONE | ZONES 1 AND 2 | ZONE 3 | ZONE 4 | ZONE 5 | ZONE 6 | ZONE 7 | ZONE 8 | |
This table shows the charges when shipping by parcel post, according to the weight of the package and according to distance by zones. | For Shipments From Our Store in Chicago to Customers Within Chicago | Not Over 150 Miles From CHICAGO | 151 to 300 Miles From CHICAGO | 301 to 600 Miles From CHICAGO | 601 to 1,000 Miles From CHICAGO | 1,001 to 1,400 Miles From CHICAGO | 1,401 to 1,800 Miles From CHICAGO | Over 1,800 Miles |
Weight of Package. | Charges Required | Charges Required | Charges Required | Charges Required | Charges Required | Charges Required | Charges Required | Charges Required |
Over 4 oz. up to 1 lb. | 5c | 5c | 6c | 7c | $0.08 | $0.09 | $0.11 | $0.12 |
Over 1 lb. up to 2 lbs. | 6c | 6c | ... BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!Sitemize Üyelik ÜCRETSİZDİR! |