ATOMS, NATURE, and MAN Man-made Radioactivity in the Environment
by Neal O. Hines
The Understanding the Atom Series
Nuclear energy is playing a vital role in the life of everyman, woman, and child in the United States today. In theyears ahead it will affect increasingly all the peoples of theearth. It is essential that all Americans gain an understandingof this vital force if they are to discharge thoughtfully theirresponsibilities as citizens and if they are to realize fully themyriad benefits that nuclear energy offers them.
The United States Atomic Energy Commission providesthis booklet to help you achieve such understanding.
Edward J. Brunenkant, DirectorDivision of Technical Information
United States Atomic Energy Commission Division of Technical Information Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 66-61322 1966
THE COVER Scientists aboard a seagoing vessel prepare to studycontents of a plankton net as part of their research into radioactivity in anoceanic environment.
THE AUTHOR NEAL O. HINES is an established writer and experienced academicadministrator with an unusual background in radiobiological surveysof the Pacific Ocean atomic test sites. He holds degrees fromIndiana and Northwestern Universities. A former journalismteacher at the University of California and Assistant to the Presidentof the University of Washington, Mr. Hines also worked for anumber of years with the Laboratory of Radiation Biology of theUniversity of Washington, where he served from 1961-1963 as administrativeassistant and as Executive Secretary of the AdvisoryCouncil on Nuclear Energy and Radiation for the State of Washington.He was a member of the survey teams visiting Bikini andEniwetok in 1949 and 1956 and Christmas Island in 1962. His“Bikini Report” (Scientific Monthly, February 1951) was one ofthe earliest descriptions of radiobiological studies in the Pacific.He is