Geo. H. Ellis, 141 Franklin Street.1896.
Copyright, 1896.
By C. A. M. Taber.
The explanations given in the following pages, in which Ihave sought to show the manner in which an ice age is beingbrought about, is an extension of a treatise on “The Cause ofWarm and Frigid Periods,” which I published in a smalledition in 1894. And, from the small number of copies circulated,only a few came to the hands of persons particularlyinterested in such matter. Yet there were instances of itshaving proved of special interest to persons celebrated for theirgeological attainments, and also to instructors in physical geography.Besides, it received considerate notice in some of theleading reviews. Being thus somewhat encouraged, and thinkingthat the subject was too important to be neglected, I havegiven it further study during the last year, and meanwhilehave obtained additional information from recent discoverieswhich has served to corroborate my views. Hence I have beenable to be more explicit in my explanations in the present volumethan in my earlier writings. Still, while acting as a pioneerin the matter, it will be seen that I have only attempted toexpose the main outlines, as my age and failing health will notpermit me to enter into the voluminous details necessary fora full explanation. In order to show why my attention hasbeen turned to the great climatic changes which have takenplace during past ages, and now threaten the future, I will repeatthe introduction of my earlier publication, wherein Iwrote that “the reason why I have undertaken to explain thecauses which have brought about the warm and cold epochs isbecause of my being unable to harmonize the several theories4that have been published with the general mode of actionwhich nature pursues to-day. Having in the early part of mylife been employed for a score of years in the whaling service,during which time my sea voyages were passed in cruising overthe North and South Atlantic, and over the Indian Ocean,from latitudes north of the equator to the southern shores ofKerguelen Land, and along the seas of Southern Australia, Ialso, in my searching, cruised over the Pacific Ocean from theicy seas south of Cape Horn to the northern latitudes ofAlaska, and, from New Zealand in the Western Pacific to thenu