Directions for Binding
Enclosed in this envelope is the cord and theneedle with which to bind this book. Start in fromthe outside as shown on the diagram here. Pass theneedle and thread through the center of the book,leaving an end extend outside, then through to theoutside, about 2 inches from the center; then fromthe outside to inside 2 inches from the center at theother end of the book, bringing the thread finallyagain through the center, and tie the two ends in aknot, one each side of the cord on the outside.
THEO. PRESSER CO., Pub's., Phila., Pa.
THIS book is one of a series known as the CHILD'S OWNBOOK OF GREAT MUSICIANS, written by ThomasTapper, author of "Pictures from the Lives of the Great Composersfor Children," "Music Talks with Children," "FirstStudies in Music Biography," and others.
The sheet of illustrations included herewith is to be cutapart by the child, and each illustration is to be inserted in itsproper place throughout the book, pasted in the space containingthe same number as will be found under each picture on thesheet. It is not necessary to cover the entire back of a picturewith paste. Put it only on the corners and place neatly withinthe lines you will find printed around each space. Use photographicpaste, if possible.
After this play-work is completed there will be found atthe back of the book blank pages upon which the child is towrite his own story of the great musician, based upon the factsand questions found on the previous pages.
The book is then to be sewed by the child through thecenter with the cord found in the enclosed envelope. The bookthus becomes the child's own book.
This series will be found not only to furnish a pleasing andinteresting task for the children, but will teach them the mainfacts with regard to the life of each of the great musicians—aneducational feature worth while.
This series of the Child's Own Book of Great Musiciansincludes at present a book on each of the following:
Bach | Grieg | Mozart |
Beethoven | Handel | Nevin |
Brahms | Haydn | Schubert |
Chopin | Liszt | Schumann |
Dvořák | MacDowell | Tschaikowsky |
Foster | Mendelssohn | Verdi |
Wagner |