The illustrations have been moved to fall between paragraphs. Full pageillustrations were counted in the pagination, but, given theseadjustments, are unnumbered here. On several occasions, the orderof the illustrations is reversed, to better follow the text. The pagenumbers in the table of illustrations serve as links to the correct locations.
The footnotes, which were marked using the typical symbols (e.g.,asterisks), have been numbered consecutively for uniqueness, andplaced following the end of the text. They are linked for ease ofreference and navigation. On several occasions (44.8, 48.10, 59.13, 229.59), a singlefootnote is referenced multiple times in the text. The reverse navigationto the page will position the reader at the first of them.
Minor errors, attributable to the printer, have been corrected. Pleasesee the transcriber’s note at the end of this textfor details regarding the handling of any textual issues encounteredduring its preparation.
A typical Press Opinion.—"We have nothing but praisefor this charming book. It has well been said that ‘tomaster thoroughly the story of the city of York is to knowpractically the whole of English history,’ and the authorsof this new history have demonstrated the truth of thisopinion. No pains have been spared by the publishers togive the letterpress a perfect setting; binding, paper,illustrations, and general finish are alike admirable."
The Pride of the East Riding.
Beverley Minster from the South-East.