With Illustrations from Photographs
Copyright 1920, by
Samuel Scoville, Jr.
Of the chapters of this book, three have appeared as separate articlesin The Atlantic Monthly, three in The Yale Review, two inThe Youth’s Companion, and the others, in whole or in part, inSt. Nicholas, Good Housekeeping, and The Christian Endeavor World.
This book is dedicated to that brave and loyal adventurer, who hasshared so many everyday adventures with me—my wife.
The illustrations for this book have been made from photographs takenby Mr. Howard T. Middleton, Mr. J. Fletcher Street, Mr. William L.Baily, and Mr. A. D. McGrew. The author wishes to express hisappreciation here of the skill, knowledge, and patience which havemade such photographs possible. In some of those taken by Mr.Middleton, tamed, caged, or mounted specimens have been used asmodels. In others he has persuaded wild animals to photographthemselves by various ingenious devices.