"When found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLE.
VOL. IV.—No. 102.
Price Threepence. Stamped Edition, 4d.
Effigies of English Sovereigns extant in France, by W. S. Gibson 265
Arabic Inscriptions—Mocatteb Mountains, by T. J. Buckton 266
Additions to Cunningham's Hand-book of London 267
Richard Rolle of Hampole, No. II. 268
A Funeral in Hamburgh, by W. S. Hesleden 269
Folk Lore:—The Baker's Daughter—"Pray remember the Grotto" on St. James's Day—The King's Evil—Bees 269
The Caxton Coffer, by Bolton Corney 270
Minor Notes:—Braham Moor—Portraits of Burke 270
General James Wolfe, who fell at Quebec 271
Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy 272
Minor Queries:—Colonies in England—Buxtorf's Translation of the "Treatise on Hebrew Accents" by Elias Levita—The Name "Robert"—Meaning of "Art'rizde"—Sir William Griffith of North Wales—The Residence of William Penn—Martial's Distribution of Hours—Moonlight—Ash-sap given to new-born Children—Cockney—Full Orders—Earwig—The Soul's Errand 272
MINOR QUERIES ANSWERED:—Call a Spade, a Spade—Prince Rupert's Drops—"Worse than a Crime"—Arbor Lowe, Stanton Moor, Ayre Family—Bishop of Worcester "On the Sufferings of Christ"—Lord Clifford—Latin Translation of Sarpi's Council of Trent—Livery Stables 274
Mabillon's Charge against the Spanish Clergy—Campanella