I The National Letters, 9
1. Prophets and Their Visions, 9
2. The Answering Fact, 14
3. The Ashes of New England, 18
4. The Ferment Underground, 25
5. In the Literary Abattoir, 32
6. Underlying Causes, 39
7. The Lonesome Artist, 54
8. The Cultural Background, 65
9. Under the Campus Pump, 78
10. The Intolerable Burden, 87
11. Epilogue, 98
II Roosevelt: an Autopsy, 102
III The Sahara of the Bozart, 136
IV The Divine Afflatus, 155
V Scientific Examination of a Popular Virtue, 172
VI Exeunt Omnes, 180
VII The Allied Arts, 194
1. On Music-Lovers, 194
2. Opera, 197
3. The Music of To-morrow, 201
4. Tempo di Valse, 204
5. The Puritan as Artist, 206
6. The Human Face, 206
7. The Cerebral Mime, 208
VIII The Cult of Hope, 211
IX The Dry Millennium, 219
1. The Holy War, 219
2. The Lure of Babylon, 222
3. Cupid and Well-Water, 225
4. The Triumph of Idealism, 226
X ...