All nine footnotes are associated with tables. The footnote anchors are denotedby [number], and they remain at the bottom of theirtables as in the original book.
New original cover art included with this eBook isgranted to the public domain.
Some minor changes to the text are noted at the end of the book.These are indicated by a dashed blue underline.
Major, U. S. Marines
Officer in Charge Historical Division
This brief history has been prepared for the purpose of acquaintingboth the personnel of the service and the public with the generalfacts concerning the United States Marine Corps in the World War.
It is a partial compliance with the instructions contained in MarineCorps Orders No. 53 (Series 1919), directing that a history of theUnited States Marine Corps for the period of the World War be prepared,and is preliminary to the final and detailed history of theUnited States Marine Corps during the World War, which is in courseof preparation.
The statistics and other information contained herein are asaccurate as it is possible to obtain at the present date. Every efforthas been made to avoid expressions of opinions and criticisms, orthe drawing of conclusions of an important nature.
November 26, 1919.
From: Officer in Charge Historical Division, Adjutant and Inspector’sDepartment, United States Marine Corps.
To: The Major General Commandant.
Via: Officer in Charge, Adjutant and Inspector’s Department.
Subject: The United States Marine Corps in the World War.
1. There is transmitted herewith for your formal approval aconcise history of the United States Marine Corps in the WorldWar, including certain statistics, with the recommendation thatit be published to the naval service.
Edwin N. McClellan.
[First endorsement.]
Adjutant and Inspector’s Department,
Headquarters United States Marine Corps,
Washington, D. C., November 26, 1919.
From: The Acting Adjutant and Inspector.To: The Major General Commandant.
1. Forwarded, approved.
H. C. Haines.