Illustrated by DAVID STONE
[Transcriber's Note: This etext was produced from
Galaxy Science Fiction June 1951.
Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that
the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.]
When adopting a pet, choose the species that
is most intelligent, obedient, loyal, fun to
play with, yet a shrewd, fearless protector.
For the best in pets—choose a human being!
Mr. Cleveland McCarran
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, D. C.
Dear Sir:
In compliance with your request, I enclose herewith a transcript of thepertinent sections of the journal of Dr. David Bannerman, deceased.The original document is being held at this office until properdisposition can be determined.
Our investigation has shown no connection between Dr. Bannerman and anyorganization, subversive or otherwise. So far as we can learn he wasexactly what he seemed, an inoffensive summer resident, retired, witha small independent income—a recluse to some extent, but well spokenof by local tradesmen and other neighbors. A connection between Dr.Bannerman and the type of activity that concerns your Department wouldseem most unlikely.
The following information is summarized from the earlier parts of Dr.Bannerman's journal, and tallies with the results of our own limitedinquiry.
He was born in 1898 at Springfield, Massachusetts, attended publicschool there, and was graduated from Harvard College in 1922, hisstudies having been interrupted by two years' military service. He waswounded in action in the Argonne, receiving a spinal injury. He earneda doctorate in Biology, 1926. Delayed after-effects of his war injurynecessitated hospitalization, 1927-'28. From 1929 to 1948 he taughtelementary sciences in a private school in Boston. He published twotextbooks in introductory biology, 1929 and 1937. In 1948 he retiredfrom teaching: a pension and a modest income from textbook royaltiesevidently made this possible.
Aside from the spinal injury, which caused him to walk with a stoop,his health is said to have been fair. Autopsy findings suggested thatthe spinal condition must have given him considerable pain; he isnot known to have mentioned this to anyone, not even his physician,Dr. Lester Morse. There is no evidence whatever of drug addiction oralcoholism.
At one point early in his journal, Dr. Bannerman describes himselfas "a naturalist of the puttering type. I would rather sit on a logthan write monographs; it pays off better." Dr. Morse, and others whoknew Dr. Bannerman personally, tell me that this conveys a hint of hispersonality.
I am not qualified to comment on the material of this journal,except to say that I have no evidence to support (or to contradict)Dr. Bannerman's statements. The journal has been studied only by myimmediate superiors, by Dr. Morse, and by myself. I take it for grantedyou will hold the matter in strictest confidence.
With the journal I am also enclosing a statement by Dr. Morse, writtenat my request for our records and for your information. You willnote that he says, with some qualifications, that "death was notinconsistent with an embolism." He has signed a death certificateon that basis. You will recall from my letter of August 5 that itwas Dr. Morse who discovered Dr. Bannerman's body. Because he was aclose personal friend of the deceased, Dr. Morse did not feel able toperform the autopsy himself. It was done by a Dr. Stephen Clyde of this