Civil Engineering.
By Henry Law, M.Inst.C.E. Including a Treatise on HydraulicEngineering by G. R. Burnell, M.I.C.E. Seventh Edition, revised,with Large Additions by D. K. Clark, M.I.C.E. 6/6
Pioneer Engineering:
A Treatise on the Engineering Operations connected with the Settlement ofWaste Lands in New Countries. By Edward Dobson, M.Inst.C.E.With numerous Plates. Second Edition 4/6
Iron Bridges of Moderate Span:
Their Construction and Erection. By Hamilton W. Pendred. With 40Illustrations 2/0
Iron and Steel Bridges and Viaducts.
A Practical Treatise upon their Construction for the use of Engineers,Draughtsmen, and Students. By Francis Campin, C.E. With numerousIllustrations 3/6
Constructional Iron and Steel Work,
As applied to Public, Private, and Domestic Buildings. By FrancisCampin, C.E. 3/6
Tubular and other Iron Girder Bridges.
Describing the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges. By G. DrysdaleDempsey, C.E. Fourth