The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
Vol VII., Issue 38.
February, 1894
Between the Acts
Crimes and Criminals.
Zig-zags at the Zoo
Actors' Make-Up.
Portraits of Celebrities at Different Times of Their Lives.
Stories from the Diary of a Doctor.
Illustrated Interviews.
From Behind the Speaker's Chair.
Singing Bob.
How Composers Work.
The Land of Youth
The Queer Side of Things.
Pal's Puzzle Page.
Transcriber's Notes
(See page 116.)
It was in 1870, when war hadjust been declared.
MacMahon had receivedorders to cross the frontier,and strike a decided blowagainst the combined armiesof North and South Germany.
In Paris, as indeed throughout the whole ofFrance, everyone was in a state of feverishanxiety; but in the gay capital, the Parisiansendeavoured to make the days of suspensepass more quickly by féting the expectedvictory.
One could hear the clinking of glasses atthe out-door restaurants, the music of thecafés-chantants, and the carriages filedincessantly along the broad avenue of theChamps Elysées.
The theatres, too, were well patronized,particularly one on the Boulevards a certainevening when Mlle. Jeanne de Bolney wasto make her début.
The papers had foretold a most brilliantsuccess for the beautiful young actress, whowas so marvellously gifted, and who would nodoubt become the star of the season. Shehad chosen for her début "La Dame auxCamélia