The Veterinary Clinician
Author of Special Veterinary Therapy, Special Cattle Therapy, Clinical Diagnosis of Cattle Diseases, Special Equine Therapy, Veterinary Clinical Notes, etc.
Published by
Pharmacal Advance Publishing Co.
168 Duane Street, New York
Copyright 1919 by
Pharmacal Advance Publishing Co.
[Pg 5]
In presenting to the veterinary profession this treatise on RegionalIodine Therapy, I do so with the object of bringing into the lightcertain clinical facts that have to do with the topical application ofiodine in veterinary patients, and to discuss, from the standpoint ofthe clinician, those particular pathological conditions to which thesefacts apply.
It will be further my purpose to point out to the reader the specialindications for topical iodine medication which have, in the past, beenoverlooked by the practitioner of veterinary medicine.
[Pg 6]
Throughout the treatise I shall confine myself to the exposition ofonly such matter as I have found to be compatible with the practicalphases of veterinary science in the conduct of my own practice.
M. R. S.
Milwaukee, Wis.
March, 1919.
[Pg 7]
While it is a fact that iodine is one of the most popular of themany medicinal agents used by the practitioner of veterinarymedicine and surgery, it also is a fact that iodine—more so thanany other agent—is frequently used in pathological conditions andunder circumstances that lack every scientific indication for itsapplication. To a certain extent this is true of almost any medicinalagent in common use, even those whose field of applicability is lessbroad than that of iodine; but it is especially noteworthy in the useof iodine.