No. 50. | SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12,1850 | Price Threepence. Stamped Edition 4d. |
NOTES:— | Page |
A Note on "Small Words" | 305 |
Gray's Elegy, by Bolton Corney | 306 |
Gray's Elegy in Portuguese | 306 |
Further Notes on the Authorship of HenryVIII. | 306 |
Queen Elizabeth and Sir Henry Nevill, by LordBraybrooke | 307 |
MinorNotes:—Whales—Bookbinding—Scott'sWaverley—Satyayrata | 307 |
The Black Rood of Scotland | 308 |
Minor Queries:—TrogusPompeius—Mortuary Stanzas—Laird ofGrant—Bastille, Records of,—Orkney underNorwegians—Swift's Works—Pride of theMorning—Bishop Durdent and the StaffordshireHistorians—Pope and Bishop Burgess—Daniel's Irish NewTestament—Ale Draper—Eugene Aram—LatinEpigram—Couplet in Defoe—Books wanted to referto—Watermarks in Writing-paper—PuzzlingEpitaph—Cornish MSS.—Bilderdijk the Poet—EgyptianMSS.—Scandinavian Priesthood—Thomas Volusemus | 309 |
Curfew | 311 |
Engelmann's Bibliotheca ScriptorumClassicorum | 312 |
Crozier and Pastoral Staff, by Rev. M.Walcott | 313 |
Parsons, the Staffordshire Giant, by E.F.Rimbault, L.L.D. | 314 |
Wormwood Wine, by S.W. Singer, &c. | 315 |
Replies to Minor Queries:—Feltham'sWorks—Harefinder—Fool or a Physician—Papers ofPerjury—Pilgrim's Road—Capture of HenryVI.—Andrew Beckett—Passage in Vida—QuemDeus—Countess of Desmond—Confes ... BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!Sitemize Üyelik ÜCRETSİZDİR! |