Ralph Milne Farley
1120 Avenue of the Americas
New York, N.Y. 10036
Originally published in 1926 as a serial in
Argosy All-Story Weekly.
Cover by John Schoenherr. Illustration by Jack Gaughan.
Ralph Milne Farley is also the author of
The Radio Beasts
available now from Ace Books (F-304)
Printed in U. S. A.
Could you make a radio set? Don’t answer rashly.Don’t say that you have already built several. For notethat we did not ask whether you could assemble aset from parts already manufactured by others, butrather whether you could build the entire set yourself—fromthe ground up. That means making every part yourequire, including the vacuum tubes, the acid in thebatteries, the wires, the insulation.
If you think that you could do this, let us ask youone further question. Put yourself in the place of thehero of the following story, and imagine yourself strandedamid intelligent savages who have not progressed beyondthe wood age. Under such circumstances, withnothing to guide you but your scientific memory, withno tools except those of your own creation, and withno materials save those furnished by nature, couldyou, though the lives and happiness of your dear onesdepended upon it—could you make a radio set?
—R. M. F., 1926.