The Bible tells of Jesus, So gentle and so meek; I'll try to be like Jesus In ev'ry word I speak.
For Jesus, too, was loving, His words were always kind; I'll try to be like Jesus In thought and word and mind.
I long to be like Jesus, Who said "I am the Truth;" Then I will give my heart to him, Now, in my early youth. —Lillian Payson.
Copyright, 1905, By David C. Cook Publishing Company.
The Little Lord Jesus.
Away in a manger, No crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus Laid down his sweet head. The stars in the sky Looked down where he lay— The little Lord Jesus Asleep on the hay. The cattle are lowing, The poor baby wakes, But little Lord Jesus No crying he makes. I love thee, Lord Jesus; Look down from the sky, And stay by my cradle To watch Lullaby. —Luther's Cradle Hymn
THERE was once a time when therewas no Christmas at all. There wereno beautiful Christmas trees and happysongs and stockings filled with presents.No one shouted "Merry Christmas!" or"Christmas Gift!" No one told the sweetstory of Jesus, because Jesus had not comeinto the world and sothere was no Christmas.You see Christmasis Jesus' birthday,and before hecame, of course peoplecould not keephis birthday. You have heard of how wickedand unhappy the people were long ago.Although God loved them and tried to make[6]them do right, they forgot about him and didso many naughty, disobedient things thatthey were very miserable. Then God senta wonderful message to them. He told themthat some day he would send them his ownSon, who should be t