
book cover

THE only editorial policy of THE GLEBE isthat embodied in its declaration of absolutefreedom of expression, which makes for a rangebroad enough to include every temperament fromthe most radical to the most conservative, the onlyrequisite being that the work should have unmistakablemerit. Each issue will be devoted exclusivelyto one individual, thereby giving him an opportunityto present his work in sufficient bulk tomake it possible for the reader to obtain a muchmore comprehensive grasp of his personality than isafforded him in the restricted space allotted by theother magazines. Published monthly, or more frequentlyif possible, THE GLEBE will issue twelveto twenty books per year, chosen on their meritsalone, since the subscription list does away with theneed of catering to the popular demand that confrontsevery publisher. Thus, THE GLEBE canpromise the best work of American and foreignauthors, known and unknown.

The price of each issue of THE GLEBE will varywith the cost of publication, but the yearly subscription,including special numbers, is three dollars.

EditorAssociatesBusiness Manager
Alfred KreymborgLeonard D. AbbottCharles Boni, Jr.
 Albert Boni 
 Alanson Hartpence 
 Adolf Wolff 

Diary of a Suicide
Wallace E. Baker

The Glebe

96 Fifth Avenue

Copyright, 1913
The Glebe


On Sept. 28th, 1913, Mr. B. Russell Herts, of“The International,” received the following letter:

New York, Sept. 27, 1913.

Mr. B. Russell Herts,

c/o International Magazine,

New York City.

Dear Mr. Herts:—Under separate cover I am sendingyou a record of a young man who is about to commitsuicide. My only object is that it may help, ifpublished in part or whole, to ease the way for somewho come after.

If you will kindly read it through, especially thelatter part, you will be able to judge whether you careto make any use of it. If not, kindly mail same toMr. ——, Toronto, Ont.

I have cut out references to places and people hereand there for their sake, because naturally I cannot beworried about myself after death.

Thanking you for giving this matter your attention,I remain,

I do not sign this, but you may verify my death bycommunicating with Mr. ——, whom I am writingto-day, so that he may look after my effects in NewYork.

The body of a well-dressed young man wasfound off Manhattan Beach, Sept. 28th. In hispockets a torn photograph of Strindberg and receiptsfor three registered letters were found. These receiptswere traced to Mr. Herts and to friends inToronto, one of whom identified the body on Oct. 2das that of Wallace E. Baker. He was buried onOct. 3d in Everg



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