Transcriber's Note

The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.



'The book is a distinctly readable one.'—Glasgow Herald,September 18, 1902.

'Really excellent little work.'—Daily News, September 26, 1902.

'We cannot commend it too highly.'—Western Morning News, January2, 1903.

'Carefully thought-out little work ... written with frank andtolerant impartiality.'—Standard, May 26, 1905.

'The arguments are admirably marshalled; difficulties are notevaded, but met fairly.'—Westminster Review, August, 1905.

'We welcome a new edition.... The appeal of the book is evidentlyone to common sense, and the success it has met is fully deserved.There is a healthy lay atmosphere about Colonel Turton's argumentswhich renders them, we fancy, peculiarly effective.'—Pall MallGazette, March 11, 1907.

'It is difficult to know whether to admire most the logicalprecision with which he marshals his facts, and enforces hisconclusions, or the charming candour, and freshness of style, whichmake his book so readable.'—Liverpool Daily Post, March 14, 1907.

'This is a new edition, thoroughly revised, of Lieutenant-ColonelTurton's famous book.... We are specially struck with the detachedmanner in which he examines the case; he holds the scales evenly,and is not rhetorical. Anyone who has any power of reasoning at allcan follow him clearly from start to finish.'—Bristol Times andMirror, February 18, 1907.

'It is a book for the hour, and needs to be circulated by thousands... straightforward, manly, and convincing.'—Schoolmaster, March27, 1909.

Church of England.

'The book is of considerable value to everyone who is concerned withthe controversy on Christian Evidences; it presents a perfectstorehouse of facts and the conclusions which may be legitimatelydrawn from them.'—Church Times, November 2, 1900.

'We have already expressed our high opinion of this work—theauthor of which, it may be mentioned, is serving in SouthAfrica.'—Guardian, October 17, 1900.

'This thoughtful and convincing treatise.... We are glad to be ableto give our good word for the book, which should be found in thecatalogue of every public library in the kingdom. It is a volumeadmirably suited for a gift-book to young men. It furnishes anarmoury of invincible weapons against the scepticism andsemi-scepticism which are rampant among us.'—English Churchman,November 1, 1900.

'This very excellent volume.... We strongly recommend this book tothe clergy for their own use and for lending to thoughtful andpainstaking readers.'—Church Union Gazette, January, 1901.

'It is one of the best books of its class, readable, candid,convincing, and thorough. It would be cheering news to hear that ithad been widely read. The book will continue to make its way; andall Christians will rejoice that it should do so.'—ChurchIntelligencer, October, 1905.

'We give a hearty welcome to this revised edition. It is admirablysuited for general use.'—Churchman, February, 1909.

'This is a textbook on Christian Evidence we would readily place inthe hands of the lay worker as an essential part of hisequipment.'—Lay Reader, December, 1912.

'There is no padding, and no unnecessary rhetoric. All the availablespace is filled with good solid reasoning, put in simple languagewhich an intelligent artisan can follow as easily as an educatedperson.'—Church Family Newspaper, October 3, 1902.

'Throughout the book the reader will be delighted with the



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