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The two parts of this work, whichhave heretofore been printed separate,are now offered to the Public in one volume,as a system of polite and moral instructionfor both sexes: This edition is criticallycorrected, with the special design of furnishingEnglish schools, at a small expence,with a proper book for reading and parsingtheir own language, that the teacher may beprovided with suitable means for mendingthe manners of his pupils, while he informstheir understandings, by analyzing the grammaticalconstruction, and pointing out thebeauties of the most approved style.
Portsmouth, Jan. 1786.
The late Lord Chesterfield having been universallyallowed to be one of the best bred men ofthe age, and most intimately acquainted with the principlesand manners of mankind, the Editor of the following pageshumbly apprehends he could not do the rising generation agreater service, than by collecting those valuable preceptswhich are contained in his celebrated letters to his son, digestingthem under distinct heads, and thereby forming a systemof the most useful instruction.