The cover image wascreated by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
Beeswax, so it is said, is formed byone equivalent of starch changed into fatby losing one equivalent of carbonic acidand seven equivalents of oxygen.
The Ohio Convention will beomitted this winter. So we are informedby Miss Dema Bennett, the Secretary ofthe association. She says that the ExecutiveCommittee has so decided, but willhold one next winter. Due notice of timeand place will be given in the Bee Journal.
Bro. Geo. W. Brodbeck, of LosAngeles, Calif., has been appointed chairmanof a committee to secure and put inplace the bee and honey exhibit at the MidwinterFair now being held in San Francisco.
It is proposed that a "honey pyramid,"consisting of comb and extracted honey, bebuilt, six feet square at the base, and 15feet high. It is thought that 1,500 poundswill be required, and that this will exceedthe famous Egyptian pyramids—in sweetness.
California bee-keepers are invited to helpmake the display, which, no doubt, theywill do in a handsome manner.
Bro. G. M. Doolittle is writing aseries of semi-political articles for the FreePress of Skaneateles, N. Y. The first is on"The Tariff Wrong in Principle." Anotherwill be on "The Tariff for ProtectionWrong;" the next on "The Tariff forRevenue Wrong;" then will come twoarticles on "The Liquor Traffic," which willprobably be followed by one on the financialsituation of our country. If the readerdesires to see all these articles, send 25cents to the Free Press for three monthssubscription, asking the publisher to beginwith Bro. Doolittle's first article, then youwill have them all. For ourselves, we cansay that we are always interested in whatBro. Doolittle may have to say, whether itbe on bee-keeping, or anything else.
☞ Bees never puncture fruit, and unlessthe skin has been broken by other insectsor birds, they never molest it.—Newman.
Basis of Honey-Predictions.—Finally,we think we have learned uponwhat basis certain honey-prophets basetheir prophecies about honey crops. It appearsto be something like this: