Religious Tracts
Published by
"We have gathered posies,
From other men's flowers;
Nothing but the thread that
Binds them is ours."
ARTICLES OF FAITH of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-DaySaints.—Joseph Smith, 5.
NOTES TO BE REFERRED TO DAILY BY MISSIONARIES: by Prest. Francis M.Lyman, In behalf of the Council of Twelve Apostles, 8.
THE PROPHET JOSEPH SMITH TELLS HIS OWN STORY: Joseph's FirstVision—Reception Accorded the Prophet's Statement—Angel MoroniVisits the Prophet—The Angel Instructs the Boy—Joseph Viewsthe Plates—Smith Family Meet with Adversity—Prophet SeeksEmployment—Prophet Obtains the Plates—Translating the PlatesCommenced—Martin Harris Shows Characters taken from the Platesto Learned Men—Aaronic Priesthood Received—Organization ofthe Church—Removal of Church to Kirtland, Ohio—Persecutionin Missouri—Removal to Illinois—Martyrdom of Joseph andHyrum—Illinois Persecution and Emigration West—Early PioneerDays—Temples—Missionary Work—Attacks against the Book of Mormon, 11.
WHAT MORMONS BELIEVE: Epitome of the Doctrines of the Church of JesusChrist of Latter-Day Saints—First Principles—The Apostasy—TheRestoration—Redemption of the Dead—The Book of Mormon—ChurchGovernment—Auxiliary Societies—Divine Authority.—By Apostle CharlesW. Penrose, 29.
SALVATION: A Dialogue Between Elder Brownson and Mr. Whitby—The Falland Atonement—The First Principles—Gifts of the Holy Ghost—PreachingWithout Hire—History and Organization of the Church—The Visions ofthe Prophet—The Book of Mormon—Aaronic Priesthood Conferred—BriefHistory of the Church—Gathering of the Saints.—By Elder John Jaques, 39.
EXCLUSIVE SALVATION: Only One Lord, One Faith and OneBaptism—Testimonies of Apostles Paul, Peter, James, Jude, and St.John.—By Elder John Jaques, 66.
THE ONLY WAY TO BE SAVED: Obedience to FirstPrinciples—Baptism—Immersion the Mode—Laying on of Hands—Gifts andBlessings—Authority Necessary—Apostasy—The Restoration.—By Prest.Lorenzo Snow, 77.
GOSPEL TO THE LIVING AND THE DEAD: Dead Preached to in the SpiritWorld—Baptism for the Dead—Necessity of this Vicarious Work—ElijahBestows Keys for Vicarious Work.—By Prest. George Q. Cannon, 88.
JOSEPH SMITH AS A PROPHET: Predictions Uttered by Him and their SignalFulfillment—His Prophetic Power Established by the Scriptural Rule. ALectured Delivered.—By Elder Andrew Jensen, 92.
THE GOSPEL MESSAGE: An Explanation of Some of the Prominent Doctrinesof the Church—One Gospel Only—The First Principles—Baptism—Layingon of Hands—Gifts and Miracles—Authority Necessary.—By Elder WilliamBudge, 119.
THE ONLY TRUE GOSPEL, OR THE PRIMITIVE CHRISTIAN FAITH: Only One TrueGospel—The First Principles—Gifts and Miracles—Authority.—By ElderWilliam Budge, 135.
JOSEPH THE PROPHET: The place of the Prophet as a Benefactor ofMankind—Visions of the Prophet—Priesthood Conferred—Organizationof the Church—The New Jerusalem—Book of Abraham—Work for the DeadEstablished—Summary of the Work Accomplished by the Prophet.—By ElderB. H. Roberts, ...