E-text prepared by Al Haines
Author of
'Mountains in the Mist,'
'The Other Side of the Hill,'
'The Golden Milestone,'
'The Silver Shadow,'
'The Luggage of Life,'
'Faces in the Fire,' etc., etc.
The Abingdon Press
New York ——— Cincinnati
First American Edition Printed May, 1919
Reprinted August, 1919; May, 1920; July 1921
I have allowed the Mushrooms on the Moor to throw the glamour of theirname over the entire volume because, in some respects, they are themost typical and representative things in it. They express so littlebut suggest so much! What fun we had, in the days of auld lang syne,when we scoured the dewy fields in search of them! And yet how small aproportion of our enjoyment the mushrooms themselves represented! Ourflushed cheeks, our prodigious appetites, and our boisterous merrimenttold of gains immensely greater than any that our baskets could haveheld. What a contrast, for example, between mushrooms from the moor onthe one hand and mushrooms from the market on the other! What memoriesof the soft summer mornings; the fresh and fragrant air; the diffusedand misty sunshine; the sparkle of the dew on the tall wisps ofspeargrass; the beaded and shining cobwebs; the scamper, barefooted,across the glittering green! It was part of childhood's wild romance.And, in the sterner days that have followed those tremendous frolics,we have learned that life is full of just such suggestive things. As Iglance back upon the years that lie behind me, I find that they havebeen almost equally divided between two hemispheres. But I havediscovered that, under any stars,
There's part o' the sun in an apple;
There's part o' the moon in a rose;
There's part o' the flaming Pleiades
In every leaf that grows.
And I shall reckon this book no failure if some of the ideas that Ihave tried to suggest are found to point at all steadily to thatconclusion.
Really, as I sit here in this quiet study, and glance round at thebooks upon the shelves, I can scarcely refrain from laughing at the funwe have had together. And to think of the way in which they came intomy possession! It seems like a fairy story or