Author of the Life of David W. Patten.
"Mormonism, as a theory, offers the most comprehensive and consistentexplanation of the great mystery of existence."—Non-Mormon.
Salt Lake City,
1905To the Memory of The Prophet Joseph Smith Through whom the Lordrevealed these principles to man, and who gave his life in testimony oftheir truth, this book is reverently dedicated.
Every person, whether consciously or not, gradually builds up, from hisobservations and reason, a system of philosophy by which he explains,to himself at least, the problems that the new experiences of his lifepresent for solution. It is of great importance, therefore, that,instead of basing one's system of thought upon the contradictoryhypotheses of speculative philosophy, we start right, so that our ideason the questions of life may square with the truth as it is known tothe Lord. And these considerations are the excuse for this work.
This work is designed rather for study than for reading. To the hasty,illusioned reader, it will prove a short, dull book; but the studiousreader, who can render a thought into experience, will find it avoluminous work, profusely illustrated with pictures such as no painterever transferred to canvas; for to him, because of the nature of thesubject, it will tell the whole beautiful story of life.
The thanks of the author are due, most of all, to the First Presidencyof the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for the helpfulcriticism of their committee of this work; and, next, to the scores offriends who have given him the benefit of their suggestions.
L. A. W.
Salt Lake Temple,
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1905
"What a thoughtful man most longs for is some firm center about whichhe can organize his knowledge of the world, his experiences of life, apoint of view from which he can gather all into an intelligible unityand from which he can press forward with a deep assurance of divineguidance and an adequate outcome."—Selected.
History relates of Hypatia, the daughter of Theon, an eminentmathematician of Alexandria, that before being committed to the flamesby an ignorant mob, she exclaimed:—
"Who am I, whence am I, and whither am I