Importers and Grinders of Spices
Manufacturing Chemists Importers of Tea
Copyright, 1915, by
McCormick & Co., Baltimore, Md.
Dedicated to DomesticScience and to those whoare devoting their energy,talent and time to the disseminationof that knowledge which makes forpurer and better foods—to the DomesticScience Teachers of America.
In response to hundreds of requestsfrom schools, colleges andindividuals for information regardingthe different varieties ofSpices we have prepared this booklet,and have endeavored to give asconcisely as possible the facts necessaryto a thorough understandingof the subject.
As there has hitherto been no completecompilation along this line, ithas been necessary to obtain fromforeign sources much of the material,while some of the illustrations representweeks of patient research byour art department.
To the U. S. Department of Agriculturewe are indebted for much valuableinformation, and for this wewish to make due acknowledgment.
Pepper is the dried berryof the pepper-plant (Pipernigrum), a climbingvine ten to twelve feethigh, indigenous to theEast Indies, but cultivatedin many tropicalcountries.
A Group of Pepper Mills
The berries are harvestedwhen they beginto turn red, and the processof drying out blackensand shrivels them.They are not pickedseparately, but in spikesor bunches, and are thenplaced on mats to dry. At night the berries are placed under cover.
The average yield per vine is eight to ten pounds each year.
The different varieties of Black Pepper derive their name fromthe localities in which they are grow