We are told by writers of antiquity that elephants have writtensentences in Greek, and that one of them was even known to speak.There is, therefore, nothing unreasonable in the supposition that theWhite Elephant of this history, the famous "Iravata" so celebratedthroughout Asia, should have written his own memoirs.
The story of his long existence—at times so glorious, and at othertimes so full of misfortune—in the kingdom of Siam, and the India ofthe Maharajahs and the English, is full of most curious and interestingadventure.
After being almost worshipped as an idol, Iravata becomes a warrior;he is made prisoner with his master, whose life he saves, and whom heassists to escape.
Later he is deemed worthy to be the guardian and companion of thelovely little Princess Parvati, for whose amusement he inventswonderful games, and to whom he renders a loving service.
We see how a wicked sentiment having crept into the heart of thefaithful Elephant, usually so wise and good, he is separated for along time from his beloved Princess, and meets with painful and tryingexperiences.
But at last he once more finds his devoted friend the Princess, and herforgiveness restores him to happiness.
J. G.
This Story was written by Mademoiselle Gautier, a French lady who livesin Paris. She is very handsome, and very learned, and is able to writeand speak Chinese, which is the most difficult language in the world.
She has also written beautiful tales of Persia, Japan, and otherfar-away countries.
This Story was meant for French children, but I have made it intoEnglish, so that my little American friends can have the pleasure ofhearing all about "Iravata" the good and wise Elephant, and hisfriends, the King and Queen of Golconda, and the charming littlePrincess Parvati.
Iravata meets with many surprising adventures. At one time he becomesa "War-Elephant," and goes into battle in magnificent armour carryingthe King on his back. He fights tremendously, but nevertheless is takenprisoner, and the King, his master, is condemned to death by his cruelenemies. But the clever Elephant finds a way to liberate his Master,and they escape together, and after many adventures reach home safely.
Later on Iravata becomes restless and unhappy, and runs away, andafter many wanderings, he joins a Circus. Here he performs many amusingfeats. But, growing homesick, he is at last only too glad to return tohis home in the Palace of Golconda, where he lives happily ever after.
S. A. B. H.
Atlantic City, 1916.
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