Transcribed from the 1810 Ann Kemmish edition ,
Preached on SUNDAY, March the 11th,1810,
Minster of the Gospel.
“O House ofJacob, come ye, let us walk in the Light of the Lord.”
Printed by ANN KEMMISH, King-Street, Borough.
TO those Friends who requested the Publication of thisSermon—I have only to say, I have endeavoredto recollect a considerable part of it; many ideas I haveomitted, and others I have introduced, as I had notthe least intention of making this public, nor should Ibut for your very pressing solicitation. I wouldremark by way of Preface, that the success of Sermons,in point of usefulness, depends upon the operations ofGod the divine Spirit; and these influences are entirelysovereign. That although this Sermon was blest toyou in the hearing, it may not be so to you in thereading—nevertheless, as the friends ofimmortal truth—you being in the possession of thatlove (which rejoiceth in the truth) will alsorejoice in every attempt to exalt the Person of Jesus as thetruth; to comfort and establish Believers in thetruth, and to encourage all the heralds of truth,to be faithful unto death. I have sent forth thetruth in a very plain style; to you who know herexcellencies she will shine with unfading charms; whileyou adore the God of all grace—and I subscribemyself,
Your willing Servant in the causeof truth,
Judges viith Chap. 20th Verse.
“And the three companies blew the trumpets,and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their lefthands, and their trumpets in their right, to blowwithal; and they cried, The Sword of the Lord andof Gideon!”
The history of the church of God,in all ages past, as recorded in the Scriptures, is intended bythe Spirit to exhibit many things of vast importance to us, onwhom the ends of the world are come.
First.—The rebellion,ingratitude, and idolatry of the Israelites, give us an awfulproof of human depravity, and teach an humbling lesson to thespiritual Israel, who have the same sinful nature, are prone tothe same sins, and would often fall into them and theirconsequences, but for the grace of God.
Secondly.—The patience andlong-suffering of God, particularly marked out in thishistory—...