This text includes charactersthat require UTF-8 (Unicode) file encoding:
Ē ā ē ī ō ū (vowel with macron or “long” mark)
Ă Ĕ Ĭ ă ĕ ĭ ŏ (vowel with breve or “short” mark)
Ś ś ć (s, c with “acute”: mainly in Recording Indian Languagesarticle)
ⁿ (small raised n, representing nasalized vowel)
ɔ ʇ ʞ (inverted letters)
‖ (double vertical line
There are also a handful of Greek words; transliterations are givenin mouse-hover popups. Some compromises were made to accommodate fontavailability:
The ordinary “cents” sign ¢ was used in place of the correctform ȼ, and bracketed [¢] represents the capital letterȻ.
Turned (rotated) c is represented by ɔ (technically anopen o).
Bracketed [K] and [T] represent upside-down (turned,rotated) capital K and T.
Inverted V is represented by the Greek letter Λ.
If your computer has a more appropriate character, and you arecomfortable editing html files, feel free to replace lettersglobally.
Syllable stress is represented by an acute accent either on the mainvówel or after the syl´lable; inconsistencies areunchanged. Except for the special characters noted above, brackets arein the original. Note that in the Sign Language article, hand positionsidentified by letter (A, B ... W, Y) are descriptive; they donot represent a “finger alphabet”.
The First Annual Report includes ten “Accompanying Papers”, allavailable from Project Gutenberg as individual e-texts. Except forYarrow’s “Mortuary Customs”, updated shortly before the present text,the separate articles were released between late 2005 and late 2007. Forthis combined e-text they have been re-formatted for consistency, andmost illustrations have been replaced. Some articles have been furthermodified to include specialized characters shown above, and a few moretypographical errors have been corrected.
For consistency with later Annual Reports, a full List ofIllustrations has been added after the Table of Contents, and eacharticle has been given its own Table of Contents. In the original, theContents were printed only at the beginning of the volume, andIllustrations were listed only with their respectivearticles.
List of Illustrations
Introductory Material
Notes and Sources