
A strange experiment was taking place on
the third planet of an isolated solar system.
In all the Universe there was no parallel to—

The Incredible Life-Form

By Winston Marks

[Transcriber's Note: This etext was produced from
Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy
October 1954
Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that
the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.]

To: The Director

From: Tone Seng Froot, Investigator for galaxies of 9th Sector.

Subject: Unique characteristic of life-form suggesting urgent actionto rescind life charter to Element 6.


May I draw your attention to an explosive potential in your earlyexperimental series? This exists in an obscure solar system of nineplanets in a minor galaxy on the outer perimeter of my territory whereI call only at extended intervals.

You will best recall the location in connection with the assignmentof a Self-Awareness Charter to Element 6 in the chemical series—morespecifically, the crystalline form of carbon, as it is called locally.

I have not troubled you with my earlier surveys, since nothingcritical occurred in the first billion years, but I had better bringyou up to date.

Of all 96 elements to which life has been separately assigned invarious locations, carbon showed the greatest durability at the outset.The diamond, or crystalline form, in which self-awareness was vestedin this particular solar system, could be predicted to make efficientuse of light energy because of its index of refraction. Also, at lowertemperatures, the diamond presents an extreme rigidity or hardnesswhich resists abrasion.

Perhaps these factors account for the astonishing egotism whichdeveloped shortly after we activated self-awareness among them. Notthat egotism, itself, is unique in the various elemental life-forms.You will recall, this inflated self-esteem has long proved to be afactor consistent with self-awareness in all matter.

In the diamond, egotism flared early in its intellectual growth andseemed to supply a creative drive unsurpassed in all galaxies undersurveillance.

On the third planet, diamonds quickly learned psychokineticmanipulations and immediately began experimenting with chemicalcombinations of the other elements—all of which are, of course, inertand lifeless in this galaxy.

On one of my earliest visits to the third planet, which is locallyreferred to as Terra, or Earth, I was attracted to the especiallyactive, intellectual radiations of a particular diamond which I shalldesignate as Prime, since he was the one who out-stripped all theothers ultimately.

Prime had worked his way out of the blue clay, down to the edge of asalt-water ocean, and when I inquired into his furious activity hereported that he was attempting to synthesize a new life-form.

At that time I was amused. Prime had managed to construct a few ratherprosaic molecules, but none of them could accomplish self-growth bythe usual absorption of radiant energy. I asked his purpose in suchexperimentation.

He answered, "What was your purpose in creating life in me?"

To compare his own motives with those of my gracious director was soabsurdly egotistical that I made a note to check back with this sameindividual on my next round. Amusement is rare in my occupation, as youcan conceive, and I appreciated the humor of this supremely confidentbit of carbon trash, thinking he could play creator!

His project seemed ha



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