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DETAILING the Adventures,Comic and Patheticof one Jimmy Martin, Purveyorof Publicity, a YoungGentleman Possessing SublimeNerve, Whimsical Imagination,Colossal Impudence, and,Withal, the Heart of a Child.
JIMMY MARTIN’S heart persistedin acting like the well-known eyesof the young lady in the song. Hejust couldn’t make it behave. Upto the third week of his summerseason as press agent at Jollyland,the big summer amusement parknear New York, it had always been a fairly well-manneredand dependable organ which performedits physiological functions with becoming regularityand which was not accustomed to respond to anyexternal stimuli with anything beyond an occasionalslight flutter. To be sure it had acted up a littlethree years back in connection with a certain dark-eyedbeauty who presided over the destinies of thecigar counter up in the Grand Hotel in New Haven,but that had only been a slight attack and it hadresumed the even tenor of its ways after a briefinterval and had been unobtrusively going throughwith its routine activities ever since.
A most prepossessing young person whose parentshad inflicted upon her the name of Lolita Murphywas directly responsible for t