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Composed by the thrice-famous and learned
Fryer, Roger Bachon, sometimes fellow of
Martin Colledge: and afterwards of
Brasen-nose Colledge in
Also a most excellent and learned discourse of
the admirable force and efficacie of Art and Nature,
written by the same Author.
With certaine other worthie Treatises of
the like Argument.
Vino vendibili non opus est hedera.
Printed for Richard Oliue.
n times past the Philosophers spakeafters diuers and sundrie mannersthroughout their writings, sith thatas it were in a riddle and cloudievoyce, they haue left vnto vs a certainemost excellent and noble science,but altogither obscure, andwithout all hope vtterly denied, and that not withoutgood cause. Wherefore I would aduise thee, that aboueall other bookes, thou shouldest firmly fixe thy mind vponthese seuen Chapters, conteining in them the transmutationof mettalls, and often call to minde the beginning,middle, and end of the same, wherein thou shaltfinde such subtilitie, that thy minde shalbe fully contentedtherewith.