E-text prepared by Barbara Tozier, Bill Tozier,
and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team
Being a TRUE ACCOUNT of some of the RECENT ADVENTURESbeyond the STYX of the late HIERONYMUSCARL FRIEDRICH, sometime BARON MUNCHAUSEN ofBODENWERDER, as originally reported for the SUNDAY EDITIONof the GEHENNA GAZETTE by its SPECIAL INTERVIEWERthe late Mr. ANANIAS formerly of JERUSALEMand now first transcribed from the columns of that JOURNAL by
Embellished with Drawings by
BOSTON: Printed for NOYES, PLATT & COMPANYand published by them at their offices in thePIERCE Building in COPLEY Square, A.D. 1901
Copyright, 1901, by
Entered at Stationers’ Hall
The lithographed illustrations are printed in eight coloursby George H. Walker and Company, Boston
Press of
Riggs Printing and Publishing Co.
Albany, N. Y., U. S. A.
In order that there may be no misunderstandingas to the why and the wherefore of this collectionof tales it appears to me to be desirable that Ishould at the outset state my reasons for acting asthe medium between the spirit of the late BaronMunchausen and the reading public. In commonwith a large number of other great men in historyBaron Munchausen has suffered because he is notunderstood. I have observed with wondering surprisethe steady and constant growth of the ideathat Baron Munchausen was not a man of truth;that his statements of fact were untrustworthy, andthat as a realist he had no standing whatsoever.Just how this misconception of the man’s characterhas arisen it would be difficult to say. Surely inhis published writings he shows that same lofty resolveto be true to life as he has seen it that characterisesthe work of some of the high Apostles ofRealism, who are writing of the things that will teach future generations how we of to-day orderedour goings-on. The note of veraci