Transcriber's note:
Minor spelling inconsistencies, mainly hyphenated words, have beenharmonized. Obvious typos have been corrected. A "List of Illustrations andDiagrams" has been added so as to include the illustrations and diagrams notin the "List of Plates." Please see the end of this book for further notes.
Health and Beauty in Modern Town Planning
A street in the Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, N.W.
Library Curator, Hertfordshire County Museum;
Sub-Librarian, St. Alban's Cathedral; Author of
"Hertfordshire: a Reading-book of the County"
In the course of the last ten or twelve years there hasbeen a very marked development of interest in localhistory, and with it a desire not merely to "know moreabout the past" but a desire to appreciate intelligentlythe real value of those things, still to be seen, whichspeak of the gradual building up of the social life ofthe Nation, which rightly handled will play an importantpart in the work of reconstruction pressing uponus now, with its enormous difficulties and anxieties.
Much has been done in schools of all grades to utilizethe material at hand—the things which can be seen inthe locality—as an educational medium, opening outgreat possibilities for the development of curiosity, interest,personality, and power of initiative on the partof the children which, though it may not seem to yieldany immediate results which can be appraised by examinationmethods on the lines of any "Syllabus", are"neither barren nor unfruitful".
Just now there are a number of schemes in the airfor the institution of "Regional Survey" in schools,and a tendency amongst enthusiasts to get it put intoschool time-tables as a Syllabus Subject. Howeveradmirable the intention may be, and is, it is not as aSubject, but rather as a method in education, that itsreal value lies. "Regional Study" embraces so many[iv]subjects and they cannot be enterprised all at once,either by children or by anybody else.
This little book is intended to be suggestive, to stimulateinterest and an intelligent curiosity, but it mayserve as a foundation for conversational or more formallessons and investigations under the teacher's direction,as his personal predilection, opportunities, taste, andjudgment shall determine.
In the work of "Regional Study", where carried onwith discrimination and with a commonsense apprehensionof "relative values" it may be truly said:—
H. R. W. H.