Transcriber’s Note:
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That I may not obtain credit for more learning thanI possess, I beg to acknowledge the assistance I havereceived in my version of the curious relict of antiquitynow offered to the public from the beautiful Italian MSS.of the erudite Professor of Greek in the universityof *****. I hesitate to designate more clearly theillustrious Hellenist whose labors have brought to lightthis curious fragment. Since the establishment of thesaintly domination of the Vandals throughout the territoriesof the rebellious and heterodox Italy, and particularlyin consequence of the ordinance of his most orthodox,most legitimate, and most Austrian majesty, bearingthat his dominions being in want of good subjects,his colleges are forbidden to send forth good scholars,[1]it has become necessary for the gownsmen of the classicpeninsula to banish all profane learning from their lecturesand their libraries, and to evince a holy abhorrenceviof the sciences and arts which they erst professed. Thelist of the class books now employed in the transalpineschools is exceedingly curious; I regret that I have mislaidthe one lately supplied to me by an illustrious Italianexile. My memory recalls to